Little Things that Mean a Lot - Free Printable Journal Page Roundup

Next up in our journal page roundup: the little things that mean a lot.

This is one of my all-time favourite journal prompts. It feels especially relevant now, when so many of the big parts of our days are upside down and inside out. Zooming in and noticing some of the smaller moments and their outsize impacts can be a quick and easy way to brighten an otherwise gloomy day.

If you’d like to journal along with me, you can download this page by clicking on the image above or by visiting my collection of printable prompts.

Here’s my list of little things that mean a lot today:

  1. Finding the words to start. There’s this one section of a piece I’m working one that just hasn’t been coming together. Today I finally wrote one sentence that sets the right tone, i.e. not mind-numbingly boring. It’s just one sentence, but it made all the difference.

  2. A conversation out in the neighbourhood. It wasn’t a deep discussion, just quick chitchat as we passed each other on the roadside, but it felt so good to share breezy observations, even at a distance. Just about skipped all the way home.

  3. Colourful pens and paper. So bright and instantly happy making. Bring on the colour!

How about you? What little parts of your day today mean a lot to you? If you’d like a little inspiration for your list-making, here’s a newsletter I wrote about stretching beyond the usual items on your list.

Previous pages featured in my free journal page roundup:

10 Minutes to Reflect on Your Day

When You Need to Find a Little Extraordinary in Your Ordinary

For additional information on page sizes and printing, visit my printables welcome page.

Hi, I'm Christie. I create printable guided journal pages filled with bright colours and a resilient spirit aimed at documenting life's celebrations and learning from its challenges. My goal is to give you a quick and colourful collection of good reasons to start journaling right now. For even more journal inspiration, sign up to receive my free e-book, 10 Good Reasons to Journal.


When You Need to Find a Little Extraordinary in Your Ordinary - Free Printable Journal Page Roundup

Are you up for a little journaling?

I’m rounding up all of my free journal pages here on the blog over the next few weeks. If you’d like to journal along, you’ll find this page by clicking on the image above or by visiting my collection of emergency journal pages.

I’ll admit it took me longer than usual to get started with this one. There seem to be far fewer moments that feel ordinary these days and far more that have an extraordinary quality.

So, for the first prompt, “one entirely ordinary thing you do almost every day,” I chose to journal about a thing that was ordinary before quarantine and remains fairly ordinary during quarantine: making the bed. I’m so glad I did. It led me on a lovely walk down memory lane, from the quilt my mom made for me when I left for university to the quilt she and my grandmother later made for my wedding.

Some of my insights along the way include:

  • realizing that I am a slow bed maker — on purpose. I use it as a chance to organize my thoughts as I organize each layer of bedding;

  • recognizing the joy in smoothing that top layer — a beautiful, soft, handmade quilt that has enormous significance to me;

  • connecting with my creative upbringing in which we were always making something and loving that we’re still at it even now.

All of that from a little bed making.

How about you? Tell me about the extraordinary in your ordinary in the comments. I’d love to hear all about it!

If you’d like to see previous posts in my free journal page roundup, I’ll be listing them at the bottom of every post. Here’s the very short list so far:

10 Minutes to Reflect on Your Day

For additional information on page sizes and printing, visit my printables welcome page.

Hi, I'm Christie. I create printable guided journal pages filled with bright colours and a resilient spirit aimed at documenting life's celebrations and learning from its challenges. My goal is to give you a quick and colourful collection of good reasons to start journaling right now. For even more journal inspiration, sign up to receive my free e-book, 10 Good Reasons to Journal.


10 Minutes to Reflect on Your Day - Free Printable Journal Page Roundup

I’ve noticed that calls and emails have been warmer of late. The first few words or lines of greeting have grown longer and gentler. How are you? Are you well? Is your family well? What’s it like where you are?

Same with the send offs. Hoping you and your family stay safe and in good health. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Have you noticed it, too?

I wish I had more to say these days. I feel like I’m doing all sorts of noticing, but the words to communicate the details have disappeared. I’m sure they’ll return at some point, but until then I thought I’d round up my free pages for some daily journaling, starting with my first ever 10 Minute journal page.

If you’d like to journal along with me, you’ll find this page by clicking on the picture above or by visiting my collection of 10 Minute journal pages.

To start things off, here’s my list of things I’d like to remember about today:

  1. Hugs. We’re hugging a lot more around here. Appreciating each other a little more, I think, and missing loved ones. Filling in some of the unavoidable gaps with bear hugs.

  2. Chats. Hearing voices all over the house — a committee meeting in the basement, art class in the kitchen, physics questions upstairs, and a friendly voice in my ear buds.

  3. Snow! Wild bursts of snow that erupt without warning then disappear completely a few minutes later — throughout the day and yesterday, too. Is April always like this?

How about you? What would you like to remember about today? If you need a little inspiration, here are a few tips for capturing the meaningful parts of your day.

P.S. For information on page sizes and printing, visit my printables welcome page.

Hi, I'm Christie. I create printable guided journal pages filled with bright colours and a resilient spirit aimed at documenting life's celebrations and learning from its challenges. My goal is to give you a quick and colourful collection of good reasons to start journaling right now. For even more journal inspiration, sign up to receive my free e-book, 10 Good Reasons to Journal.


New Printable Journal Page for Writing About Your Kids

My friends at duopress posted my newest 10 Minute printable journal pages for parents!

Each page was created to give you a quick and easy way to write about the things you and your kids do together, the things you're learning together, the things about them that make you smile, and the things they say and do that you'll always want to remember.

Hop on over to to download them for free!


One Simple Journal Prompt for Capturing Powerful Memories in Minutes

One thing you may have noticed about my journal pages is that there isn't always a lot of space to write. In fact there's rarely, if ever, a lot of space to write.

Nowhere is this more true than in my journal calendar, where the events of an entire day are given a mere inch or two of writing space -- and yet, I've recently found a source of unexpected inspiration in the combination of one of my oldest, most straightforward prompts and those exceedingly short journal entries.

Case in point:

Late last year, when I reviewed the entries in my 2019 journal calendar, I was shocked to discover how many good things I had forgotten. Somewhere along the way, inexplicably, I convinced myself that I'd had a terrible, unproductive year. I will be forever grateful that my journal entries told a different story. They were filled with family and friends, triumphs - both big and small - and lots of fun (and funny) moments.

This year, I knew I could do even more with those ever-so-brief calendar entries. While there were many helpful entries, there were also numerous instances in which I just jotted out a quick, random list of the day's happenings. Looking back, I wish I'd spent my few inches of writing space journaling about why those events mattered.

This year, I've taken a new approach, one that is making me a better journaler, and it all comes down to one simple prompt:

What do you want to remember about today?

It's not even a new prompt. I've used it before in my journal pages. You might have seen it appear as "one thing to remember about today" or "one thing about today you hope you'll never forget."

Lately though, I see that prompt through new eyes. Asking myself what I want to remember helps me focus on the things that matter instead of the things that happened. And, best of all, I'm finding it works just as well on the bad days as it does on the good ones.

How can this simple question make a difference in your journaling?

On good days

  • If you're journaling an experience, writing down a few specific details will help you remember the day. Choose one part that stands out and engage your senses. What did it feel like? What did it look like? Who was there with you? Where were you when it happened? What did you say or think in that moment? What do you hope you'll never forget about it?

  • If you're journaling an accomplishment, think about your good day strategies. What worked today? What actions or routines do you want to repeat so that you can have more good days?

On bad days

This prompt really shines on the hard days. It reminds you that while you can't always avoid the bad stuff, you can absolutely choose what to take with you and what to leave behind.

  • Instead of dwelling on a difficult challenge, you can choose to remember that you did not give up.

  • Instead of reliving a heartbreak or unexpected disappointment, you can choose to remember your strength, kindness, grace, and dignity when they were put to the test.

  • Instead of agonizing over mistakes made, you can choose to remember what you learned.

What do you want to remember about today?

I hope you'll use this prompt to capture the memories that move you forward, to collect the best strategies and lessons you're learning along the way, and to remind you of the good things that are easily forgotten in the rush of a busy life.

Your turn

Whether you're having a great day or a not-so-great day today, what’s the one thing you'd like to remember about it? Share in the comments below!


Hi, I'm Christie. I create printable guided journal pages filled with bright colours and a resilient spirit aimed at documenting life's celebrations and learning from its challenges. My goal is to give you a fun, quick, and colourful collection of good reasons to start journaling right now. For even more journal inspiration, sign up to receive my free e-book, 10 Good Reasons to Journal.


The Opposite of Boring: 10 Contradictory Journal Prompts To Energize Your Journaling

Using Contrasts to Energize Your Journaling - Image by Christie Zimmer.jpg

Just because journaling is good for you, doesn’t mean it should feel like a chore. Your journal entries can be funny, daring, irreverent, playful, completely off the wall, or some wild combination of each of those things.

Whatever gets you writing.

One thing that gets me writing is turning ideas upside down and inside out. Experimenting with new perspectives leads to new insights and that’s what I’m in it for – the surprises, the a-ha moments, the sudden understanding of something about myself that I didn’t recognize until just this moment.

That’s how I see these prompts, as opportunities to get to know yourself better. Which is no small or insignificant thing. The better you know yourself, the better equipped you are to make decisions that reflect your individual strengths, suit your personal circumstances, and take into account your current needs.

Taking it one step further, understanding your decisions and their outcomes puts you in an excellent position to learn from your experiences, discover problem-solving strategies that work for you, and make even wiser decisions going forward. All good stuff!

To give you a few ways to get to know yourself a little better that don’t feel like homework, I’ve made a list of 10 journal prompts that are all kinds of contrary.

These first six are favourites from my past journal work:

1. One thing you used to think was impossible, but you went ahead and did anyway.

Try following up with: One thing that feels impossible now, but probably isn’t. Then: One small step you can take today toward making the impossible possible once again.

2. One place other than home that feels like home.

A wonderful next step is to write about the things that make this other place feel like home. You may discover that you can take some small part of the feeling of home with you wherever you go.

3. One thing that scares other people, but doesn’t scare you.

The opposite also works, but requires a gentle touch: One thing doesn’t seem to scare other people, but scares the heck out of you. (I have a long list on this one, which I’m slowly working my way through. It’s not easy, but it feels so good to get out there and do scary things! You’ll find this prompt on this free printable.)

4. One item on your to-do list that looks like work, but feels like fun.

Is that even allowed? Yes, yes it is.

5. One piece of good advice you find easy to give, but hard to follow.

Umm, there’s no way I’ll be able to limit my response to just one piece of advice. If you feel the same way, go ahead and make a list!

6. Three things on your bookshelf other than books.

Some alternatives: Things on your coat rack other than coats. Things in your fridge or pantry other than food. Things in your workstation other than work.

These next four prompts are brand new. I’ll be journaling them for the first time right along with you!

7. One part of your skillset that sounds easy if you haven’t tried it, but is actually quite difficult to do well.

Somewhat related (and a little cheeky): One easy thing you insist on doing the hard way.

8. One trait you admire in others, but sometimes criticize in yourself.

Its opposite feels a little dangerous: One trait you criticize in others, but occasionally (or often?) exhibit yourself. Thinking about it a little further, this is a wonderful subject for journaling. Don’t forget that your journal is a safe, confidential, judgment-free zone where you can write what needs to be written, examine the things that need to be examined, and work through the things that need to be worked through.

9. One old tradition or habit that you’ve adapted to suit new circumstances.

Further reflections could include: Aspects of the tradition you’ve kept. Aspects you’ve changed or discarded. The principles, ideas, or beliefs at the core of this tradition or habit that make you willing to adjust it over time in order to preserve it.

10. One serious thing you’re quite happy not to take seriously.

Its opposite is also intriguing: One silly or nonserious thing that you take very seriously.

Bonus prompt that makes me smile: One dish you make or enjoy that tastes better than it smells.

Its alternative makes me smile even more (because I never add enough salt!): One dish you make or enjoy smells better than it tastes.

Your turn

What do you think? Should we give these a try together? Choose one prompt from the list above and share your answer in the comments! I’ll start things off by adding the first entry below.


What Your Journal Should Do For You - Right Now and As You Move Forward


I’m just going to put it out there. I want my journal to do it all.

I want it to be a tool for:

  • getting to know myself better,

  • noticing and understanding what’s happening around me,

  • making notes about the things I’m learning,

  • thinking through challenges and how to overcome them,

  • setting goals, moving toward them, and tracking my progress,

  • capturing important memories,

  • exploring new ideas before I put them out into the world,

  • developing my voice, improving my writing, growing my confidence, accepting and embracing who I am,

  • practicing my handwriting, lettering, painting, sketching, and other ways to express myself,

  • taking a close look at my days and thinking about how to make the most of them, and

  • just about everything else that involves creating a meaningful, purposeful life.

That’s a big ask for one journal, so I have three: a notebook, a sketchbook, and a binder. Between the three, I journal almost daily, either by writing in my notebook, playing with paint or collage in my sketchbook, and/or adding entries to my journal calendar or other printable pages in my binder.

As you may have noticed, I need a lot of variety in my journaling, along with a sense of spontaneity and an absence of limitations. It’s also important to me that my journal accommodate nearly every facet of my life. After many years of trial and error and no small amount worrying that I might not be doing it right, I have made my journal my own.

And therein lies my view of what our journals should do for each one of us. In my view, a rewarding journal practice should embrace and reflect the fullness of our lives -- for better or worse, in good times and in bad, so that we can write what needs to be written and remember what we want to remember and work to achieve what we want to achieve.

Further, I believe a rewarding journal practice has two parts:

  1. The journaling itself, in that moment while you’re writing or drawing or typing, should be rewarding. It should be interesting (even fun!), insightful, and moving. It should spark ideas and discoveries that you can explore further or put into use right now.

  2. The cumulative result of your journaling should also be rewarding. The work you do in your journal should be meaningful and significant to you as you learn and grow. It should help you become the person you want to be.

And since we are all different and unique, every journal will be different and unique.

I’d like to spend some time over the next few weeks writing about ways to make your journal your own. In addition to creating a wide variety of printable journal pages that aim to support a rewarding journal practice, I have collected a variety of tips and tricks over the years for making the most of your journal. To get the ball rolling, I’ll share the one thing I’ve learned so far that means the most to me: when you make your journal your own, you’re one step closer to making your life your own.


You Are Connected - An Easy and Meaningful Way to Journal About the People and Places that Matter to You

This page is more than a list of people and places that make a difference in your life. It’s a space for thinking about how they make a difference, for recognizing the shared history, the comfort and trust built over time, the ways in which you’re connected.

It’s an opportunity to celebrate the people who listen when you talk, make you laugh, and bring out the best in you. It’s a chance to recognize the places nearby where you can rest, learn and grow.

It’s a reminder that you are not alone, that you are part of a larger story.

Who and where are your points of connection?


Love Tracker Journal Page

What would happen if you took a moment every day for ten days to make a quick note about one thing you love? I wouldn't be surprised if you started noticing love all around you.

Click here or on the image above to give it a try!

P.S. I have all sorts of ideas for other trackers. How about a Triumph Tracker? Or a Joy Tracker? What do you think?

P.P.S. If you love this page, you’ll find more quick and colourful journal pages right here!


Noticing the things you're good at - new journal pages

Years ago, I led a journaling session with a group of office administrators and the experience has stayed with me ever since.

Before my session, I had the opportunity to chat with the group members informally and participate in a series of ice breakers with them. I was thrilled to discover I'd be spending the morning with knowledgeable, kind, passionate, funny, curious, and engaged people.

One of the first journal prompts I'd selected was to ask participants to list their strengths. I thought it would be an easy prompt to get the ball rolling. I was so wrong.

In retrospect, perhaps it's not all that surprising that it wasn't an easy prompt, but in the moment, as I wandered around the room observing empty spaces where there were supposed to be long lists, I couldn't quite believe it. I had only spent an hour or two with these lovely people and I saw strengths all over the place. Could they not see these things in themselves?

Even now, thinking back, it's heartbreaking. Because it's really important that we do see these things in ourselves. It's important that we know our strengths. When taken together, they guide us to overcome the unique challenges we face, to set and achieve goals that matter to us, and, ultimately, to fully become the people we want to be. May we all lead with our strengths as we travel life's winding paths.

This set is all about discovering your strengths by thinking about the things you're good at and putting them to good use. You know I'm cheering you on all the way!