I’ve noticed that calls and emails have been warmer of late. The first few words or lines of greeting have grown longer and gentler. How are you? Are you well? Is your family well? What’s it like where you are?
Same with the send offs. Hoping you and your family stay safe and in good health. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Have you noticed it, too?
I wish I had more to say these days. I feel like I’m doing all sorts of noticing, but the words to communicate the details have disappeared. I’m sure they’ll return at some point, but until then I thought I’d round up my free pages for some daily journaling, starting with my first ever 10 Minute journal page.
If you’d like to journal along with me, you’ll find this page by clicking on the picture above or by visiting my collection of 10 Minute journal pages.
To start things off, here’s my list of things I’d like to remember about today:
Hugs. We’re hugging a lot more around here. Appreciating each other a little more, I think, and missing loved ones. Filling in some of the unavoidable gaps with bear hugs.
Chats. Hearing voices all over the house — a committee meeting in the basement, art class in the kitchen, physics questions upstairs, and a friendly voice in my ear buds.
Snow! Wild bursts of snow that erupt without warning then disappear completely a few minutes later — throughout the day and yesterday, too. Is April always like this?
How about you? What would you like to remember about today? If you need a little inspiration, here are a few tips for capturing the meaningful parts of your day.
P.S. For information on page sizes and printing, visit my printables welcome page.
Hi, I'm Christie. I create printable guided journal pages filled with bright colours and a resilient spirit aimed at documenting life's celebrations and learning from its challenges. My goal is to give you a quick and colourful collection of good reasons to start journaling right now. For even more journal inspiration, sign up to receive my free e-book, 10 Good Reasons to Journal.