What did you share today?

New month, new journal calendar page. Bring on the new.

Today’s prompt was “shared” and, at first, I couldn’t think of a single thing. Then I thought about my lost tripod and how I called my husband earlier today, hoping he would remember what I’d done with it — and how we shared our memories of the last time I used it — because it was new and figuring out the best setup became a group project — and how we ended up finding it, right where I left it.

(And then I discovered I didn’t need it after all. But I had the loveliest chat with my sweetheart, right in the middle of the day. So, it all worked out exactly as it was meant to.)

How about you? What did you share today?


What did you prepare today?

I love these little boxes and their odd questions.

Today, I prepared yet another batch of painted pages. I think I’m at 9 attempts now. Not quite there yet, but I’m learning to use a mop brush (and makeup sponges as makeshift brushes!) and my scanner’s settings make a little more sense every day. There might even be a new journal page, somewhere in the distance.

How about you? What did you prepare today?


What characteristics are you bringing to your experiences this year?

Last week, I wrote about the 7 characteristics I’m bringing to my experiences this year. They are: courage, openness, curiosity, effort, focus, honesty, and confidence.

I thought you might like to join me, so I created a new free printable prompt. This one feels kind of special. Not only do I adore this prompt, but I’ve also included one of my experiments in watercolour as a background. It took me a while to figure out how to scan the original and use it in Illustrator, but I love that I can share it with you like this.

You can download my new page by clicking here or by clicking on the image above.

And if you haven’t already replied to last week’s prompt (or even if you have!), what characteristics are you bringing to your experiences this year?


What did you figure out today?

I’ve been thinking about new ways to play with colour and shapes in my journal pages — both my personal pages and my printables. Today, I think I figured out the beginnings of a new journal project — one that will involve a little paint, a scanner and lots of prompts. I love new projects!

What did you figure out today?


What did you wish today?

I tend to wish for the same two things every day — time and courage — and today is no exception. Daily life is often a little too fast and a little too scary for my liking, but it helps to reflect on the things I can do to make the most of the time I do have and to face the stuff that scares me — like setting priorities and taking big projects and decisions one tiny step at a time.

What did you wish today?


Who or what (or where?) did you visit today?

My only visit today was to one of our local parks with the puppy at lunchtime. To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to it. The park, while within walking distance, is part of our regular route. I’ve been there a thousand times and felt sure I’d be hard pressed to journal anything interesting about it.

So I set myself a challenge — to find one beautiful thing while we were there. It started raining along the way and the park was dull and muddy. I worried I wouldn’t find anything beautiful.

Then I looked up. The sky, while mostly grey, showed the slightest hint of purple and the trees around me, while bare and spindly, took on another quality when viewed from directly below. The shapes made by their overlapping branches reminded me of cracks in the ice on a pond or a system of rivers and their tributaries photographed from far above. It was mesmerizing. I snapped a quick photo from beneath the trees on my phone before returning home — a little soggier than before, but also kind of ridiculously happy.

I printed the photo on some copy paper, cropped off a little snippet and added it to my journal entry for today.

Who or what or where did you visit today?