People, Places, Things - A New Journal Page For You

I’m still experimenting with rainbow colour schemes and oodles of prompts on the page. The result today is a quick, quirky excuse to take a step back from the noisy world and think about the people with whom you can truly be you, the places you’d go back to in a heartbeat, the things you hope for, and all sorts of other unique details from your one-of-a-kind world. It’s free to print right now. All you have to do is hunt down a bright pen, pencil, or marker (or three!) and start writing.

Where will you start — things, people, or places?


What It Feels Like To Be You

Is this a scary prompt?

It felt like a scary prompt when I first started working on this page last week. It was inspired by a difficult conversation, in which I found myself wondering what it felt like to be the other person. And then it occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever asked this exact question of myself before. Possibly because I wasn’t sure what sorts of answers would bubble to the surface.

Now that I’ve had time to think it through, I feel as if I’ve broken new ground in my own experience of the world and I have quite enjoyed unpacking the three words that came to mind in response — even though they were not easy words.

How about you? Have you ever thought about the words you’d use to describe the experience of being you? What would they be?


Began Again

It’s time to begin again. Again.

The Patreon page didn’t work out the way I’d hoped. I still love the platform and its ideas for connecting creators and patrons, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it fit with my journaling. I ended up closing the page over the summer and lost my way for a time.

So this beginning is a tough one. I feel a greater sense of uncertainty than in past new beginnings and a lot more fear. Fear of the usual things, like looking foolish, like making unwise decisions, like failing. Again.

But I’m not ready to give up yet either.

This time around, the plan is simple: to write and post journal printables — here, on my own website — that aim to ask good questions and encourage insightful answers.

As always, my goal will be to create pages that make it a little easier to notice the good stuff, to document memorable moments, to make sense of the world around us, to discover the things that matter most, and to build the courage and confidence to set and pursue meaningful goals.

I’ve revamped my printables page, which now includes my free pages and pages that I’ve moved here from Patreon and my Etsy shop. I’ll continue to create printables — some free, some not — and post them as I go.

The printable I created for this post is all about beginning again. It’s part of my Life Story series, where I’m exploring the idea of capturing our life stories through everyday moments. As with all of my new printables, it’s available in four sizes to fit a variety of page and planner sizes. (Printing instructions can be found at the bottom of my new shop’s welcome page.)

Have you begun something again recently? What was your first step?

Are you thinking of beginning something again soon? What will you do first?


Journal Prompt - Making wishes

I like to think of wishes as goals-in-training. They're a great way to think about things you'd like to have, do or change. And the thinking doesn't have to end there. It can lead to thoughts about the steps you'll take to make your wishes come true. (I know not every wish is possible, but I love the prospect of working toward the ones that are.)

What are you wishing for today?

(This printable journal page is part of my new Life Story series.)


Journal Prompt - The Story of Your Life So Far

Our life stories. Finding meaning in our moments. Learning from experience. Becoming who we are. Enjoying the ride (or at least parts of it).

Some of the things I've been thinking about this week ... and for as long as I can remember.

I have a project in mind. It's both big and small. The thought of sharing it makes me really nervous. But it's the good kind of nervous, where curiosity wins out over second thoughts. I hope you'll stay tuned!

In the meantime, what important moments stand out in your life story so far?


Journal Prompt - Things That Aren't Perfect

This week's prompt is all about life's imperfections -- the ones you're making the best of, the ones you're working to change, and the ones you like just as they are.

I love this prompt for two reasons: first, it's a reminder that we can choose how to manage the challenges that come our way and, second, it reminds us that some imperfections fit our one-of-a-kind lives rather perfectly.

There are definitely some things I'm working to change, but there are also a wide variety imperfect things I wouldn't want any other way: our tiny home, my closest relationships, the way it takes me forever to chop vegetables (it drives my husband nuts!), my journaling. 

When I was learning how to knit as a child, I remember complaining to my mom that some of my super-tight stitches made my swatch uneven (and I really wanted it to be perfect.) I'm paraphrasing here, but she said something like, "That's how you know it's handmade. The imperfections make it beautiful." I've never forgotten that and I often repeat it to my own daughters.   

How about you? Which of life's imperfections are you working to change and which ones are you happy with just as they are?