Journal Prompt - Your town or city

In the know -- day three!

Whenever I post a prompt about the places you live, your responses are always so fun and filled with pride about the neat things your cities and towns have to offer. I love learning about the places you call home in the ways only you can describe them. And I love thinking about my city in much the same way.

I live in Guelph, Ontario, which is just about an hour west of Toronto. Three things I know about Guelph:

(1) Residents of Guelph are known as Guelphites. Yep, it's true.

(2) The driving here is slow and super polite. In my experience, the majority of Guelphites drive at or slightly below the speed limit and I have personally seen mass hesitation at four-way stops because each of the four head cars is too polite to go first. (I'm assuming that last part, but correctly, I think.)

(3) In the north of the city, there's a lovely little lake called Guelph Lake. It's man-made, motorboat-free, and home to a conservation area and the Hillside music festival.

How about you? What three things do you know about your city or town?


Journal Prompt - Someone you know

It's day two of our week "in the know." 

One of the someones I adore is my husband. Three lovely little things I know about him: 

(1) His patience is nearly infinite -- like really quite something to behold. I'll be hopping up and down beside him, needing so badly for something to be finished or figured out and he will quietly and deliberately keep working away until whatever it is reaches its proper conclusion.

(2) His teaching style, both with his students and our daughters, is to guide rather to tell, so that they can learn and discover for themselves.

(3) The only place he loses his temper is in the car. It's pretty funny. The whole family teases him about it.

How about you? What three things do you know about someone you adore?


Journal Prompt - Projects to start and finish


I can't decide which is better, the thrill of starting a new project or the satisfaction of finishing an old one. I'm looking forward to finishing the planning for an upcoming fundraiser at my youngest daughter's school. It ends with a huge pasta dinner and a super-fun evening at the school. I can't wait to start my first 5-day, real-time journal session next week on Patreon. I'm a little nervous about trying something new, but mostly excited to see how it goes!

What are you up to these days? Which projects are you excited to start and finish?


Journal Prompt - A life well-lived

This is one of my favourite prompts. On the surface, it looks like a big-picture prompt, but deeper down, it has reverberations you can feel on even the most ordinary days.

The last time I journaled this prompt, more than a year ago, my three things were: making a positive contribution, nurturing and celebrating loving relationships, and never stop learning. They haven't changed in the interim, but writing them again today gives me a renewed sense of purpose. It reminds me that I can experience everyday events in ways that matter to me -- like greeting a stranger with a smile, taking time to share memorable moments with my daughters, or noticing something about my world that I hadn't noticed before. It reminds me that each day has a part to play in a well-lived life.

How about you? What's on your list?


First poll over at Patreon

One of my new features over at Patreon is a weekly journal-related poll. I think it'll be a fun way to share our thoughts on journaling and develop new journal prompts and printables together.

This week I'm asking, "When do you journal?" and I've included responses such as "in the morning", "on weekends", "on vacation," and many more.

I've made this week's poll a public post so that you can give it a try. Once you've logged in -- it's free! -- you can add your responses and see the poll results so far.

If you'd like to share here in the comments instead, please do! I'd love to learn more about your journal practice!


Journal Prompt - Happy repeats

I was so excited to send out my first Patreon reward today -- this little prompt right here! I haven't really said much about my new Patreon page, other than linking to it from my website homepage. It's a really interesting platform that I think will help me to continue creating and sharing my journal work in a more sustainable way. I'll write more about it in the coming days as I settle in.

In the meantime, let's get to the prompt. At the top of my list is continuing to explore Patreon. I feel like it's going to be such a good fit. Tomorrow, I'll post my first poll and I can't wait! Two more things I'd happily repeat tomorrow are (1) tea and homemade chocolate chip cookies for my afternoon break and (2) walking outside in the warm (well, almost warm) sunshine.

How about you? What's happening today that you'd gladly repeat tomorrow?


New Front Page


Gave the website a little makeover with a new front page. It's mostly me, explaining what I do, but it's also my love letter to journaling. I hope you'll take a peek. I'd love to know what you think!