People, Places, Things - A New Journal Page For You

I’m still experimenting with rainbow colour schemes and oodles of prompts on the page. The result today is a quick, quirky excuse to take a step back from the noisy world and think about the people with whom you can truly be you, the places you’d go back to in a heartbeat, the things you hope for, and all sorts of other unique details from your one-of-a-kind world. It’s free to print right now. All you have to do is hunt down a bright pen, pencil, or marker (or three!) and start writing.

Where will you start — things, people, or places?


Monday's Printable Journal Prompt - Two Ways

I'm having such fun experimenting with this week's printable journal prompt. I printed two copies -- one to cut up and rearrange in my notebook and one to use as a single journal page. 

Here's my progress so far in my notebook:


The (almost) final layout is below. It includes a photo of some lovely white flowers I noticed on my walk yesterday with the pup and one of my favourite photos of the pup herself. I'll just give it one more once over and start taping down the elements.


Here's my progress so far with the single page copy:


This week's prompt is: one thing you noticed today.

One thing I noticed today is that the world suddenly seems a lot louder. It's a sensation I've been trying to put my finger on for a few days, but it finally dawned on me that it's because winter is finally over and our windows are open! I feel like I suddenly hear every car, lawn mower, siren, and construction crew in the neighbourhood. To be honest, it's put me on edge. It's temporary, I know. In a week, I'll be used to it and it won't distract me. But today, it's just about the only thing I'm noticing. 

What did you notice today?


New Year Journal Prompt - Part 5

Our last New Year prompt! I hope you've enjoyed this week's look ahead at 2018.

My passion these days is exploring ideas about a well-lived life. The thing that fascinates me most about this subject is that it means something different – sometimes slightly different and sometimes profoundly different – for just about everyone. I’d like spend 2018 living my own version of a well-lived life and helping others to discover and live theirs.

What passion will you pursue in 2018?


New Year Journal Prompt - Part 2

This prompt, in one variation or another, is one I think about a lot.

Sometimes, when I'm about to do something that really scares me (like speak in front of a new group, share new work, or scoop up a spider in my daughter's bedroom), I remind myself to be brave. It totally helps. It acknowledges the fear without letting it take over. Be afraid and do it anyway, that's been my mantra lately.

This year, I'm going to expand my approach to journaling in ways that involve sharing more of myself and my ideas (and some of them might be a little unconventional). I don't know whether I'll succeed, but I believe that my ideas are good and useful, so I'll be brave and put them out there.

How will you be brave in 2018?


New Year Journal Prompt - Part 1

Happy New Year, fellow journalers!

One thing I can't wait to do in 2018 is experiment with my approach to journaling, so instead of my usual single prompt for the new year (ie. "three things you'll do to make the most of 2018" -- which I still totally love and will use again in the future), I thought it might be fun to explore our plans and expectations for the year from a variety of perspectives throughout the week.

Let's start with the good stuff. What can't you wait to do in 2018?


Experiments in Journaling - Part 9

(Originally posted on October 11, 2017)

Tangled line journal page

When words are hard to come by.

(It’s not really so bleak. Today’s been a bit tangled and I would much prefer a straight line. I’m going to add more words to the tangle, once I figure out what they are.)


Experiments in Journaling - Part 8

(Originally posted on October 10, 2017)

Orange and pink flower petal journal page

Not a great day today. In other words, a perfect day to write a how-to-turn-a-bad-day-into-a-good-day-list.

A few on my list: journal (of course), give someone else a reason to smile, make bright and colourful things, shift focus and efforts to other stuff, silly pet videos, speak up, have a cup of tea, learn something from it, take a deep breath, give yourself a break, hugs, talk it out, go for a walk.

You know what? A cup of tea, a colourful journal page, and some very deep breaths later, I’m starting to feel better. Off to try some of the other stuff.

What’s on your list?